Linea di Confine per la Fotografia Contemporanea, based in Rubiera (RE), coordinates and carried out photographic studies on the territory, with the support of a group of local councils and the provincial councils of Reggio Emilia and Modena, both on its own account and for those of other territorial bodies and institutions. Currently, Linea di Confine is one of the few structures in Italy capable of offering a gaze bereft of judgement on the transformations underway across our everyday landscape, with continuity and specialist skills, also involving established photographers or indentifying up-and-coming young artists.
Promoting both Italian and foreign photographic research since the early ‘90s, authoritative authors have taken part such as Lewis Baltz (USA), Olivo Barbieri (Italy), Guido Guidi (Italy), Stephen Shore (USA), Michael Schmidt (Germany), Axel Hütte (Germany), Walter Niedermayr (Italy), Paola De Pietri (Italy) and many others), alongside the original experience of the ‘Photography Workshops’, for more than 23 years Linea di Confine has constituted one of the most important elements in the field of public photography commissioning in Italy.
The recognition granted to it on an international level, such as that awarded to the travelling exhibition Trans Emilia. Le collezioni Linea di Confine: una ricognizione territoriale dell’Emilia Romagna, staged around Europe since 2005 by the prestigious Winterthur Fotomuseum, and the more recent exhibition entitled TAV Bologna-Milano. Fotografia, ricerca e territorio presented in 2013 at the MAXXI in Rome, confirm the role played by Linea di Confine as an Italian interlocutor specialising in the implementation of territorial photographic study projects.
The scientific committee of Linea di Confine has always been characterised by the presence of a range of different kinds of expertise and experience, from photography to architecture, town-planning, history of art and photography: a key requisite for constructing dialogue with a range of different interlocutors, from university institutions to regional and ministerial bodies.
Linea di Confine has been developed over the years by William Guerrieri (cultural operator and photographer) and Guido Guidi (photographer and professor at the IUAV University of Venice) as project founders, while Paolo Costantini was the scientific supervisor up until his sudden death. Since 2000, members have included Stefano Munarin (town-planner and professor at the IUAV University), Bernardo Secchi (town-planner, professor at the IUAV University of Venice), and Tiziana Serena (art and photography historian, professor at the University of Florence).