The Linea di Confine per la Fotografia Contemporanea research experience
8 December 2024 - 23 March 2025
Palazzo dei Musei, Reggio Emilia
On Saturday 7 December 2024 at 5:00 pm, the On Borders | Sui Confini exhibition will be opened at Palazzo dei Musei in Reggio Emilia. Curated by Ilaria Campioli, William Guerrieri and Monica Leoni, it presents the Linea di Confine per la Fotografia Contemporanea research experience.
The extensive exhibition will feature more than 250 photographs from the Linea di Confine collection. Now kept in the Photo Library at the Panizzi Library in Reggio Emilia, they are the product of more than 30 regional and national research projects between 1990 and 2022.
The 36 photographers who have taken part in publicly commissioned territorial research
include some of the most eminent Italian and European artists, as well as leading members of the American “New Topographics” group.
Opening: Saturday 7 December 2024, 5:00 pm
Paola De Pietri, Parco Casse d'espansione
UNIMORE. Department of Economics Marco Biagi, Modena.
Conference 17-19 May 2023
Exhibition April 12 - May 20 2023
Food Logist Headquarters, Michele Borzoni
Bodies and Machines at Work, William Guerrieri
An Interdisciplinary Survey of Central Emilia.
Photographs by Allegra Martin, Nicolò Panzeri, Andrea Pertoldeo, Andrea Simi.
Surveys by Marta De Marchi, Cristiana Mattioli, Michela Pace, Stefano Saloriani.
Edited by Antonello Frongia, Stefano Munarin, Federico Zanfi.
Coordinated by William Guerrieri.
Andrea Simi, 2021
Available in bookstores from November 30th.
William Guerrieri
Texts by Maurizio Guerri and William Guerrieri, in Italian and English.
Quodlibet / Linea di Confine, 2022
Euro 24,00
W. Guerrieri text here.
JOBS. Forme e spazi del lavoro
Un’indagine interdisciplinare in Emilia Centrale
Photographic investigations by Allegra Martin, Nicolò Panzeri, Andrea Pertoldeo and Andrea Simi. Researches by Marta De Marchi, Cristiana Mattioli, Michela Pace and Stefano Saloriani. Curated by Antonello Frongia, Stefano Munarin and Federico Zanfi. Coordination by William Guerrieri.
Quodlibet/Linea di Confine, 2022.
Euro 32
E. Jungre, Misurazione dei tempi di reazione, da Il Mondo mutato, a cura di M. Guerri, 2007
William Guerrieri. Da Corpi e macchine al lavoro. 2019 2021
JOBS. Nuove forme e spazi del lavoro nell’Emilia centrale
23 October - 19 December 2021
MICHELE BORZONI. Centrali logistiche alimentari
WILLIAM GUERRIERI. Corpi e macchine al lavoro
Laboratorio di fotografia Corpi e macchine al lavoro:
Vilma Bulla, Giovanni Cecchinato, Stefano Forti, Matteo Montaldo, Fabio Morassutto, Leonardo Stefani and Silvia Vespasiani.
Saturday, October 23, 5:30 pm
Ospitale, Rubiera (Reggio Emilia)
[PDF press release]
Michele Borzoni. Centrali logistiche alimentari
William Guerrieri, da Bodies of Work, 2018 n. 29
L'Ospitale, Rubiera, Reggio Emilia
Saturday 15 May, 5:00 pm
Public talk with Michele Borzoni (TerraProject)
Presentation of the project JOBS. New forms and spaces of work in central Emilia and of the photography workshop led by Michele Borzoni from 24 May to 5 June 2021.
Registration subject to availability, by 18 May 2021.
Michele Borzoni, Workforce Open competitive examinations
Due to the provisions of the DPCM of November 3, 2020, the exhibitions Guido Guidi LUNARIO and Luca Nostri Quattro Cortili are closed to public visits until December 3, 2020.
L’Ospitale, Rubiera, RE
17 October - 6 December 2020
Guido Guidi
Luca Nostri
QUATTRO CORTILI (Four Courtyards)
project room
Saturday 17th October, 5 pm
The exhibition Guido Guidi Lunario 1968-1999, will be inaugurated on Saturday 17 October 2020 at 17.00. In conjunction with this inauguration, the project room of Luca Nostri Quattro Cortili will be presented to the public.
In recent years Luca Nostri has investigated some local photographic archives, as part of a PhD research at Plymouth University. In the Four Courtyards exhibition, set up in a project room, Nostri presents four photographic series which are a combination of photographic and curatorial practice. An eclectic family album belonging to a family of artists between the 19th and early 20th centuries, a series of portraits made by the photographer Paolo Guerra between 1946 and 1955 inside the two brothels existing in Lugo until 1958, a series of photographs built around the courtyard of Anselmo, the photographer's grandfather, and a sequence of photographs which explores the social landscape of the lowlands, starting from the hanging garden of the Castle of Lugo.
Luca Nostri, Anselmo, texts by D. Chandler and W. Guerrieri, Linea di Confine editions, 2020.
Saturday 4 pm - 7 pm, and Sunday 10 am - 1 pm / 4 pm - 7 pm
Other days by appointment
Free entrance
In association with
Comune di Rubiera e FE
In compliance with the Prime Ministerial Decree of 8 March 2020, all the activities of the Linea di Confine for Contemporary Photography Association are temporarily suspended.
Guido Guidi
18 April – 24 May 2020
curated by Andrea Simi
Opening Saturday 18 April 18.00 pm
Lunario is a thirty-year photographic journey (from 1968 to 1999) on the theme of the Moon, along with all its entourage of philosophical, literary and mythological meanings. Guidi records this series of lunar apparitions, measuring up to the technological aspects of the photographic medium, with its mechanical nature and its vocation for the investigation of optical, physical and natural phenomena. His is a search for a direct relationship with the early days of photography, coupled with his aptitude towards verification, also in self-reflexive, meta-photographic terms – a constant feature in his work.
The exhibition features the series from Guidi's most recent publication (Lunario 1968-1999, Mack, London 2020) as well as some unpublished material, and it has been realised by Linea di Confine per la Fotografia Contemporanea in association with Comune di Rubiera as part of Fotografia Europea 2020 Fantasies. Stories, Rules, Inventions.
Catalogue TEXT
L'Ospitale, Rubiera, Reggio Emilia
Opening hours
Saturday and Sunday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm / 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Other days by appointment
Guido Guidi, Cesena,1968
Forms and Spaces of Work in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Edited by William Guerrieri
17 November - 22 December 2019
L’Ospitale, Via Fontana 2
Rubiera (RE)
Exhibition opening and Study Day
Saturday 16 November 2019
Study day (10am-1pm / 3pm-7pm)
Laura Moro (IBC Emilia-Romagna Regional Council), Aldo Bonomi (sociologist), Stefano Munarin (urbanist), William Guerrieri, Gianfranco Bettin (writer), Claudio De Gennaro (architect), Antonello Frongia (historian of photography) Andrea Paco Mariani (director), and the photographers Jorge Ribalta, Olivo Barbieri, Michele Borzoni, Andrea Pertoldeo, Andrea Simi.
Opening Saturday 16 November at 1 pm
Olivo Barbieri, Ferrari’s Factory (2003), Michele Borzoni/TerraProject, Workforce (2017), Paola De Pietri, Seccoumidofuoco (2013), William Guerrieri, Bodies of Work (2018), Guido Guidi, Lestans (1998), Allegra Martin, I luoghi e i lavori 4.0 (2017), Andrea Paco Mariani/SMK VideoFactory, The Harvest (video) (2017), Stephen Shore, Luzzara, (1993), Andrea Simi, Poimec (2019)
Winning photographers of competition for Under 35s: Giammario Corsi, Sotto lo stesso cielo (2019), Raffaele Geronazzo, In 1960 Hugh Hefner moved his office in his bed (2019), Nicolò Panzeri Feed Us (2019), Flavia Rossi, Fabrication Laboratory (2019), Jacopo Valentini, Unicacina (2019).
Complete program to download here
Exhibition opening and bookshop
17 November – 22 December 2019
Saturday-Sunday and public holidays 10am-1pm / 4pm-7pm
Other days by appointment
Free entrance
Andrea Simi, Poimec, 2018
The catalog of the exhibition FRAMED LANDSCAPES: European Photography Commissions 1984-2019, published by the ICO Museum in Madrid, has been published.
The text by William Guerrieri, Commissioning, photography and the crisis of territorial political representation, is downloadable here.
Forms and Spaces of Work in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Photography competition reserved for photographers under 35
Photo competition for authors under 35 with the aim of giving visibility to the sensitivity and interest that the younger generations show with regard to the theme of the transformation of labour and of production spaces.
Applications for participation no later than 12 October 2019
For more info download the CALL
Stephen Shore, Luzzara, 1993, dalla Collezione Linea di Confine
European Photography Commissions 1984-2019
curated by Frits Gierstberg
6 Giugno – 8 Settembre 2019
Photo Espaňa 2019
The exhibition and the book bring together eight long-term photography commissions that focus on the changing rural, urban and suburban landscape. Both cover a period from 1984 until today and concern projects that have been given by public or semi-public institutions in a number of European countries, regions and cities. Works by almost fifty photographers will be presented along the many publications that were produced in the context of the selected commissions.
Linea di Confine was invited to participate with 12 research projects conducted by Lewis Baltz, Olivo Barbieri, Guido Guidi, Stephen Shore, John Gossage, William Guerrieri, Walter Niedermayr, Bas Princen, Tim Davis, Francesco Neri, Paola De Pietri and with 68 exhibited photographs.
DATAR (Francia)
Linea di Confine (Italia)
Fotografie e Gedächtnis (Germania)
Mission Photographique Transmanche (Francia)
Fotografische Langzeitbeobachtung Schlieren (Svizzera)
Ekodok-90 (Svezia)
Places. Denmark in Transition (Danimarca)
RO_Archive (Romania)
Guido Guidi, Laboratorio di fotografia 1, Rubiera, 1989
Frank Gohlke, Conversations in the Park, da Parco del Gigante, 1994
L’Ospitale, Rubiera, Reggio Emilia
13 April – 9 June 2019
Opening Saturday 13 April, 5 pm
Photographs and videos from the Linea di Confine Collection
Curated by Antonello Frongia
The Linea di Confine photography collection – made up of works produced by leading international artists on the themes and spaces of the Emilia-Romagna Region – today represents a one-of-a-kind on the national and European panorama. The exhibition presents a new thematic itinerary among the photographs and videos of the Linea di Confine Collection, focusing on the themes of existence, interpersonal bonds and social relationships.
The photographers featured include Fabrizio Albertini, Cesare Ballardini, Lewis Baltz, Marina Ballo Charmet, Olivo Barbieri, Tim Davis, Paola De Pietri, Vittore Fossati, Marcello Galvani, Frank Gohlke, William Guerrieri, Guido Guidi, Axel Hütte, Allegra Martin, Francesco Neri, Sabrina Ragucci, Marco Signorini, Michael Schmidt, Stephen Shore and Raimond Wouda.
Free Entrance
Opening times: Saturday – Sunday 10am-1pm / 4pm-7pm
Other days by appointment
Raimond Wouda, da Luoghi della cura, 2005
The email linconfine@comune.rubier.re.it is no longer in use.
The NEW EMAIL of Linea di Confine per la Fotografia Contemporanea is:
Aperture n. 231/2018
The summer issue of Aperture, dedicated to the relation between film and photography, contains an essay by Antonella Pellizzari on the research that Linea di Confine addressed to the film Il deserto rosso by Michelangelo Antonioni, previously published in the catalog Red Desert Now!, Linea di Confine Editions, Rubiera, 2017.
William Guerrieri, Bodies of Work, 2018
Catalogue of the exhibition at Centro Culturale Candiani, Venezia, May-June 2018.
20x27 cm, 84 pages, jacket with internal flaps.
Italian and English texts by the author and by Giorgio Falco (excerpt from Ipotesi di una sconfitta, Einaudi, 2017).
Linea di Confine Editions, Rubiera, 2018.
ISBN: 978-88-88382-28-9.
Euro 26,00
We are pleased to announce that photographer Francesco Neri (Faenza, 1982) won the August Sander Prize (Edition 2018), promoted by the prestigious Die Photographische Sammlung / SK Stifftung Kultur Foundation in Cologne.
L’Ospitale, Rubiera, Reggio Emilia
28 April - 17 June 2018
Jorge Ribalta
On photography as a cultural critique
Curated by William Guerrieri
Opening: 28 April, 6pm
The series Wild Laocoön (from a poem by Federico García Lorca), made up of over 200 photographs, constitutes a photographic documentation project of key places in Flamenco culture, featuring the historical, economic, social, administrative and political structure of the institutional/popular culture of Flamenco in Spain.
The historical-political reading of Flamenco, in the eyes of Jorge Ribalta, is based on the recognition and analysis of the two faces expressed by this form of dance, midway between a hegemonic national culture and historical popular culture.
The exhibition also presents two other short series of photographs: A Small History of Photography, taken from the work of the photographer Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard, who in 1851 invented one of the first photo albums, and Atomium, a homage to the artist Marcel Broodthaers, who created, in 1958, a photo reportage in Bruxelles ( Belgium), on the construction of the renowned and symbolic structure of the Atomium.
The exhibition intends to contribute to the defence of the documentary method in the critical analysis of cultural phenomena and the artistic products linked to these phenomena, which have a decisive role to play in the construction of national and supranational identities.
Jorge Ribalta (Barcelona, 1963) is an artist, researcher and independent curator.
The exhibition is made by Linea di Confine per la Fotografia Contemporanea in collaboration with Comune di Rubiera and IBC, Bologna, on the occasion of the XIII edition of Fotografia Europea, 2018 Rivoluzioni. Ribellioni, cambiamenti, utopie.
Opening time:
Saturday and Sunday 10am–1pm / 4pm–7pm
Other days by appointment
Jorge Ribalta, dalla serie Wilde Laocoon, 2010
Saturday, December 2
L’Ospitale, Rubiera, Reggio Emilia
5 pm
Public presentation of the book
Red Desert Now! The legacy of Antonioni in contemporary Italian photography
Curated by Antonello Frongia and William Guerrieri. Edited by Linea di Confine, 2017.
With interventions of the curators and authors.
Fabrizio Albertini, Mariano Andreani, Luca Capuano, Alessandra Dragoni, Marcello Galvani, William Guerrieri, Guido Guidi, Allegra Martin, Francesco Neri, Andrea Pertoldeo, Sabrina Ragucci/Giorgio Falco e Franco Vaccari.
6 pm
Presentation of the book
Francesco Neri. Trophy and Treasure
Verlag Snoeck, 2017.
With the presence of the author.
Red Desert Now!
L'eredità di Antonioni nella fotografia italiana contemporanea / The legacy of Antonioni in contemporary Italian photography
25x30 cm, 138 pages. Curated by Antonello Frongia and William Guerrieri, Text by Antonello Frongia and interviews to Guido Guidi and Franco Vaccari. Texts in Italian and English.
Edizione Linea di Confine, Rubiera, 2017.
Euro 32,00 (shipping costs included)
September 1, 2017 - January 28, 2018
Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne, Germany
Fabrizio Albertini, Mariano Andreani, Daniele Ansidei, Daniel Augschöll/Anya Jasbar, Enrico Benvenuti, Joachim Brohm, Christoph Brückner, Luca Capuano, Danny Degner/Vera König, Eva Dittrich/Katarína Dubovská, Alessandra Dragoni, Johannes Ernst, Marcello Galvani, João Grama, William Guerrieri, Guido Guidi, Gerry Johansson, Sophia Kesting, Philipp Kurzhals, Dana Lorenz/Jakob Argauer, Allegra Martin, Mako Mizobuchi, Francesco Neri, Andrea Pertoldeo, Sabrina Ragucci/Giorgio Falco, Alexander Rosenkranz, Valentina Seidel, Anna Voswinckel, Jakob Wierzba, Xiaoxiao Xu
A project by Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur in collaboration with the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, Linea di Confine, Rubiera, and Osservatorio Fotografico, Ravenna.
The exhibition will be accompanied by the catalogue:
Red Desert Now! The legacy of Antonioni in the contemporary Italian photography edited by Antonello Frongia and William Guerrieri, 24,50 x 30 cm.,128 pag., text by A. Frongia (italian and english).
Linea di Confine editions, Rubiera.
Euro 32,00
Guido Guidi, Millenovecentonovanta duemilasei, 1990 2006
William Guerrieri, NEW LANDS
The theme addressed with New Lands offers a new stance on the photography of the Po Delta territory: an area to this day widely known only through Neo-Realist cinema and the photographers who drew on that artistic current. The project entitled Another Landscape aims to fill this void.
Realized in collaboration with Città Invisibili / Another landscape # 2.
19x24 cm, 128 pages, paperback cover with lapels. Interview with William Guerrieri in italian and english.
Linea di Confine Editions, Rubiera, 2017.
Euro 24,00
From May 2 to May 5, the Master IUAV - IN PHOTOGRAPHY will take place at Ospitale in Rubiera, coordinated by Linea di Confine. The lessons of the Master will be held by the photographer Guido Guidi, the photography historian Antonello Frongia (Roma Tre University) and the photographer and curator William Guerrieri. Photographer Francesco Neri will be a guest of the Master.
Master students will have the opportunity to know the research experience of Linea di Confine also through viewing the photos of the prestigious collection stored in the Linea di Confine archive.
A public meeting with the photographer Francesco Neri, entitled "Hunting for the known" will be held at Ospitale in Rubiera On Thursday 4 May, at 9 pm. With free entrance.
At MAPFRE Foundation of Madrid is open the exhibition of LEWIS BALTZ with works on loan from the collection of Linea di Confine. The exhibition is open until June 4th.
Ospitale, Rubiera, Reggio Emilia
Saturday 22th October 2016
Opening at 6 pm
30 artists and the heritage of Michelangelo Antonioni
Curated by Antonello Frongia e William Guerrieri.
Fabrizio Albertini, Mariano Andreani, Daniele Ansidei, Joachim Brohm, Christoph Brückner, Luca Capuano, Danny Degner / Vera König, Eva Dittrich / Katarína Dubovská, Alessandra Dragoni, Johannes Ernst, Marcello Galvani, William Guerrieri, Guido Guidi, Sophia Kesting, Philipp Kurzhals, Dana Lorenz / Jakob Argauer, Allegra Martin, Mako Mizobuchi, Francesco Neri, Andrea Pertoldeo, Sabrina Ragucci / Giorgio Falco, Alexander Rosenkranz, Valentina Seidel, Franco Vaccari, Anna Voswinckel, Jakob Wierzba.
On 22th October, Linea di Confine, in collaboration with the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst of Leipzig (D) and the Die Photograpische Sammlung / SK Stiftung Kultur of Cologne (D) presents, at the Corte Ospitale in Rubiera, the work of 30 Italian and German photographers and artists on the themes of the film The Red Desert of Michelangelo Antonioni, offering a comparison which is at the same time artistic and generational.
Foto: Guido Guidi, Bertinoro, 1984
Foto: William Guerrieri, Abitare sociale, 2016
L’Ospitale, Rubiera, Reggio Emilia
Via Fontana 2
Saturday 16th May, 6pm
Photography Room, First Floor
In memory of
Giochi di simulazione, 1991
End to End, video, 2000
Documentation of the installation Mulino Gandini, Scandiano, 1991
Reception Room and Sala Sassi. Ground Floor
Exhibition of the artists selected in the Call for Artists
In collaboration with
Die Photographische Sammlung / SK Stiftung Kultur di Colonia (D)
Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst di Lipsia (D)
Osservatorio Fotografico, Ravenna
Rubiera Town Council
Sunday 17th May, from 5pm
Sala Sassi. Ground Floor
As part of the event "In ricordo di Lewis Balt" – In memory of Lewis Baltz’
Antonello Frongia will present the volume Lewis Baltz. Scritti, published by Johan & Levi Edizioni, Milan.
There will then be a round-table discussion with Giorgio Falco, Stefano Graziani, William Guerrieri, Guido Guidi, Sabrina Ragucci, Silvana Turzio and Franco Vaccari. Chaired by Antonello Frongia.
Foto: Lewis Baltz, Giochi di simulazione, 1999.(particolare)
Call for artists
Meetings, debates on the cinema of Antonioni and presentation of works from the collections of Linea di Confine per la Fotografia Contemporanea and exhibitions with the selected authors.
The director Michelangelo Antonioni is certainly the author who most affected the work of photographers, especially Americans and Europeans, starting from his early masterpieces like Il grido and L’avventura. With Il deserto rosso in 1964, his first color film, set in the industrial area of Ravenna, are dealt with issues that will be central to the photograph in the decades to follow.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the creation of Il deserto rosso, Linea di Confine, Rubiera (RE), in collaboration with Die Photographische Sammlung / SK Stiftung Kultur di Colonia (D), the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst di Lipsia (D), the Osservatorio Fotografico of Ravenna and Comune of Rubiera, mean hold a "Call for artists" open to all italian photographers for the creation and production of 12 projects with photography or other media.
On 22 November 2014, the American photographer Lewis Baltz passed away.
A major protagonist of American photography ever since the mid '60s, in 1992 Lewis Baltz took part in the Linea di Confine project, with the series Giochi di simulazione and the permanent display of one of his works in the Public Library of Scandiano, not to mention the production the video End To End in 2000.
The disappearance of Lewis Baltz takes place only a few months after the sudden decease of another great photographer, the German Michael Schmidt, who took part in the Linea di Confine project in 1991.
The photo of Lewis Baltz is a John Gossage picture.
Paola De Pietri seccoumidofuoco
Saturday 3 May 2014
Opening at 6.30pm
On Saturday 3 May 2014, at 6.30pm, in the presence of the author, the exhibition by Paola De Pietri entitled seccoumidofuoco will be inaugurated, featuring her research into the ceramic industry. The research project was commissioned from Linea di Confine by the Town Council of Fiorano in order to complete the documentation gathered for the Manodopera project implemented by the Ceramic Museum.
De Pietri’s study was carried out over the summer of 2013, after a series of visits to the production sites of the main industrial groups in the ceramics sector found within the communes of Fiorano, Sassuolo and Casalgrande. a series of portraits, industrial interiors and photographs of clays and feldspars will be on display, in a sequence designed to show the relationship between the work and skills of man and the raw materials used in industrial processes.
Our thanks go to the Town Council of Fiorano, owner of the works on show, and Confindustria Ceramica, Sassuolo.
Opening hours:
From 4 May to 15 June, open on Saturdays and Sundays 10am – 1pm /4pm – 7pm.
Entrance: 3 Euros.
Other days by appointment. Tel. +39 0522/629403 email: linconfine@comune.rubiera.re
Foto: Paola De Pietri, seccoumidofuoco, 2013
Documentary Platform / LAB / Osservatorio Fotografico
Three research and publishing experiences.
Curated by Federico Covre, Michele Cera, Silvia Loddo, Cesare Fabbri.
Saturday 3 May 2014. Reception Room.
A presentation of different experiences, from 4pm to 8pm
These three independent research and publishing experiences all share the goal of promoting photographic culture in contact with the local territory. Documentary Platform is a visual archive which brings together research projects by independent photographers on a web platform. LAB is a cultural association based in Bari which promotes photography through workshops, territorial studies and exhibitions. Osservatorio Fotografico is a permanent research workshop which carries out teaching and publishing activities with photography campaigns regarding the city of Ravenna.
Recent publications will be on show by photographers such as Andrew Phelps, Cuny Janssen, Francesca Gardini, Davide Baldrati, Marco Lachi, Federico Covre as well as other new publishing projects.
At 5.30pm, Federico Covre will present the web platform entitled Documentary Platform, and Michele Cera will also present his book DUST published by Kehrer in 2013. Entrance is free.
Luogo e identità nella fotografia italiana contemporanea
Edited by Roberta Valtorta. Einaudi, 2013
The book is based on a project staged by Linea di Confine per la Fotografia Contemporanea in Rubiera and the Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea in Cinisello Balsamo.
Through the contributions of Roberta Valtorta, Antonello Frongia, William Guerrieri and Matteo Balduzzi, the volume sets out to analyse the photographic works developed from the ‘60s up to the present day, interpreting their meanings in contemporary terms and examining their links with the international scene.
From 13 to 16 October 2013, 25 students from the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig (Germany) accompanied by Prof. Joachim Brohm, the well-known German photographer, will visit the Corte Ospitale in order to get to know the research experience undertaken by Linea di Confine.
The meeting will also host Gabriele Conrath-Scholl and Claudia Schubert of Die Photographische Sammlung / SK Stiftung Kultur in Cologne, Guido Guidi, Paola De Pietri and a number of artists from the Welfare Space Emilia study, first presented last spring in the rooms of the Ospitale exhibition venue in Rubiera.
WELFARE Space Emilia
Photographs by
Federico Covre, Cesare Fabbri, Allegra Martin, Francesco Neri and Sabrina Ragucci
Curated by
William Guerrieri and Stefano Munarin
Format: 23 x 17 cm. 140 pp., texts in Italian and English by William Guerrieri, Stefano Munarin and Antonello Frongia.
Published by Linea di Confine, 2013.
28 Euros.